Dublin Moving & Day #1

Vojta Šplinar
3 min readNov 12, 2015


Dublin Castle, Ireland

After more than half a year in amazing Krakow in Poland it came time to move on. With my girlfriend Edyta we decided to move to Dublin in Ireland. Preparations for leaving were managed quite easily, flight was booked at the beginning of November.

It was 3.11.2015 — We had all day for final check and cleaning. It’s so cool that your life can fit in 2 bags or lets say in 30kg! In the evening we took a taxi to the airport which came like a better deal than recently opened train connection from Krakow to airport (for about 30zl we got there — no running here and there with suitcase and heavy bags).

Internatinal airport in Krakow, Poland

The flight was around 21:30 CET (UTC+01:00) and after cca 3 hours of flight we landed in Dublin with a time difference of 1 hour Greenwich Mean Time (UTC±00:00).

From airport we took a shuffle bus from 2km far Clayton hotel where we spent a night. It was cool experience, great reception, lounge bar with library, everything in great design — unfortunately everything closed because it was already after midnight, next time :))

Clayton Airport Hotel — Dublin, Ireland

In the morning we had to go back to airport and find Zone 17 from where were supposed to go coaches to city center (it would be cool if there would be any sign showing which way Zone 17 is..it wasn’t. Blue bus from company AirCoach took us for 7 euro to city center in about 40 minutes right next to the famous Temple Bar and the river Liffey which is dividing line of Dublin in north and south (good orientation point).

Public communication in Dublin is according to my experiences a little bit hardcore mess! Several bus transport providers, the main one “Dublin Bus” double deckers of yellor-blue color is not possible to miss on every street — but to get oriented needs some time.

New home for November

After we arrived to our apartement in city center right next to the amazing St. Patricks Cathedral — amazing area of Dublin 8 just 10 minutes of walk from the river, finaly we got rid of all the heavy staff and took a walk in city center.

The Temple Bar pub on Temple Bar street

It couldn’t be finished any other way than to go to the most touristic place, which probably every local could tell you to avoid at night (yes — its full of tourists!) is The Temple Bar pub on Temple Bar street. This street is full of life and nice (overpriced) bars with great atmosphere! What you have to try in Dublin is definitely pint of Guinness, or at least cider if you are not a fan of Guinness (I love it!)

So that somehow looked the first day in Ireland 🙂 New town, new country, new adventure!

Originally published at www.splinar.cz on November 12, 2015.

